
Welcome to the Eighth Annual We the People National Invitational.

The Center for Civic Education invites you to participate in this wonderful and exciting educational opportunity. It takes scholarship, determination, and teamwork during your school year to prepare for the National Invitational. The event provides you with an experience you and your classmates will never forget. 

Good luck to you and your classmates!


Robert S. Leming, Director                                                     
We the People Programs
Center for Civic Education

"Experiencing all of this with all your friends and your classmates is
really amazing.  I’ve had a lot of fun.  It’s definitely been an experience
I’ll never forget
.”  - We the People Student, 2014

2020 National Invitational Teams

State School Teacher
Arizona        Patterson Elementary School      Bonnie Hickman
Colorado        Stanley British Primary School      Mike Wasylenky
Delaware        Milford Central Academy      Samuel Halloway
Florida        Sanford Middle School      Jennifer Coursin
Florida        South Seminole Middle School      Robert Adamowicz
Indiana        Fishers Junior High School      Mike Fassold
Maine        Marshwood Middle School      Andy Rowe
Nevada        Faith Lutheran School      Tish Carroll
Ohio        Gahanna Middle School South      Michael Browning
Virginia        Rachel Carson Middle School      Cynthia Burgett

Upcoming Middle School State Competitions
For more information, please contact the state coordinator.

State Date Location


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Center for Civic Education

5115 Douglas Fir Road, Suite J
Calabasas, CA 91302

  Phone: (818) 591-9321


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© Center for Civic Education