Lesson 9: What Purposes of Government Are in the Declaration of Independence?

Lesson Purpose
In this lesson, you will learn about the Declaration of Independence. You will learn why it was written. And you will learn what it says the purposes of our government should be.
Lesson Objectives
When you have completed this lesson, you should be able to
- explain why the Declaration of Independence was written and
- summarize the three main purposes of government the Declaration contains.
Lesson Terms
Declaration of Independence (1776)
The Declaration is a docu- ment written mainly by Thomas Jefferson. It was approved by Congress. It explains why the thirteen British colonies in America wanted to be free from the control of the British government. It also contains some of the most important ideas about our government. For example, it says that a main purpose of our government is to protect our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It also says that all the power of government comes from the people. If the people do not like how their government works, they can change it and try to make a better one. This means that people working in government are the servants of the people. They are not the masters of the people.
purposes of government
pursuit of happiness
right to liberty
right to life