Under our current circumstances brought about by COVID-19, we are encouraged by your ability to explore new ways of teaching about government and the Constitution. Your students have had to adapt and adjust to new ways of learning about constitutional principles and ideas in preparation for participating in the National Finals. By participating in simulated congressional hearings, your students will not only demonstrate the civic knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to effectively participate in our constitutional democratic republic, but they will also exhibit courage and resilience.

Robert S. Leming, Director
We the People Programs
Center for Civic Education
2022 National Finals
Important Information
- Event Overview
- Division List
- Hearing Schedule (all times EST)
- Hearing Questions
Contact Rebecca Reeder at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact Robert Leming at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Forms for Teachers
National Finals Class Roster (Return to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Teacher Agreement Form
Student Model Releases
Competition Information
Rules of Competition
Tips for Teachers
Hearing Score Sheet
Hearing Questions
Division List
Hearing Schedule (all times EST)
Students' opening statements for all three days of the competition are four minutes in length. Student notes are appropriate during opening statements. Judges' follow-up questioning on Saturday and Sunday is eight minutes in length and 10 minutes for the Top Twelve on Monday. During follow-up questioning students may not use notes.Scoring
The scoring team is responsible for tabulating the judges' electronically submitted score sheets for each of the classes. Each score sheet includes six criteria, and each criterion is worth ten points. The highest possible score for each score sheet is 60 points. Each unit is judged by three judges; therefore, the highest possible unit score is 180 points. Because there are six units, the highest possible class score is 1,080 points. Because classes testify on two days, the highest possible total class score is 2,160 points.
Classes qualify for the Top Twelve by earning combined scores from the first two days of competition. Those twelve classes advance to round #3 on Monday where one of the questions from previous days will be repeated with longer follow up questioning.The national winner is determined by doubling the third-day scores and adding them to the total scores for the first two days. The highest score possible for the National Finals is 4,320 points.
If I have any questions, who do I contact?
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Director, We the People Programs or
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., National Finals Coordinator
2022 National Finals Awards Ceremony