Similarities and differences between Congress and the British Parliament; Madison's concept of the role of Congress; balance of power between Congress and other branches; Congress to represent all of the people while the British Parliament represents people by class; Senate representation by state; power and role of the House of Lords; powers of the Senate compared with the House of Lords; authority of the House of Commons compared with Congress; fusion of legislative, executive, and judicial powers in Parliament; selection of the executive in Great Britain.
Student Questions: Unit 4, Lesson 21, Sections 1-4 (pdf download)
Executive and legislative functions in British system compared with American system; terms of representatives; rationale for terms; fusion of legislative and executive power in Parliament; role of Prime Minister; accountability in British system; rationale for Framers' rejection of parliamentary system; gridlock and deadlock in American system; efficiency of parliamentary systems; reasons for less-efficient, slower process in American system; issue of responsiveness of both systems to the will of the people; comparing terms of representatives; problem of short- and long-term views of representatives.
Advantages and disadvantages of American federal system and British unitary system; Framers' rationale for federal system; Parliament's delegation of powers in unitary system; allocation of powers in American and British systems; opportunity for civic engagement in American system compared with British system.
Constitutional limits on the powers of Congress; Constitution allocates more power to Congress than other branches; limitation on Congress in Article I, Sections 9 and 10; First Amendment limitations on Congress; rationale for Necessary and Proper Clause; representation of the people and the states; delegate and trustee theories of representation; issues regarding implementation of the "one person, one vote" requirement; gerrymandering; Great Compromise; multimember districts versus winner-take-all districts; differences between representation in America and other advanced democracies; constituent relations.